Current Issue : October-December Volume : 2011 Issue Number : 4 Articles : 5 Articles
Dihydroartemisinin (DHA) has been shown to produce rapid treatment of uncomplicated and Plasmodium falciparum malaria. The effects if oral DHA on the Lungs of albino rats were investigated.Four dosage regimens of oral DHA were tested on adult albino rats for five days and seven days. One of these doses was tested twice on one of the experimental groups. The tested dosages were 1mg/kg; 2mg/kg; 60mg/kg and 80mg/kg. The 1mg/kg dose was repeated to the test group after a one week rest period as the fifth experiment.The histological tissue photomicrographs of the study showed that oral DHA produced dose; concentration and time dependent strong stimulation of the erythropoietic stem cells in the lungs of the DHA-treated rats which was absent in the photomicrographs of control rats. The findings of this study show that oral dihydroartemisinin has a first potential usefulness in blood expansion in anaemia and a second potential usefulness in cancer treatment of cancerous blood cell diseases (possibly leukaemia), as anti-cancer effects of dihydroartemisinin have been demonstrated in many studies....
Huntington’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease characterized symptoms like chorea and dementia. 3-Nitropropionic acids, a neurotoxin causes motor impairment in rats. 3- Nitropropionic acid treatment significantly impaired motor movement as assessed in Locomotor activity. The treatment with Vinpocetine (5, 10 & 20mg\kg) significantly improved motor movement. The present study demonstrated that inhibition of type 1 phosphodiestera (PDE1) by vinpocetine significantly improved motor movement following first dose of i.p. 3-NP injection in rats. The result of the present study suggests facilitator role of PDE1 enzyme in motor dysfunction following 3-NP injection....
The key to management of G6PD deficiency is prevention of hemolysis by prompt treatment of infections and avoidance of drug and household triggers. The most important measure is to avoid drugs and food that causes hemolysis. Vaccination against some common pathogens may prevent infection induced attacks. Patients presenting with severe anemia and hemolysis may require resuscitation and erythrocyte transfusion, in the acute phase of hemolysis the blood transfusion might be necessary or even dialysis in acute renal failure. Blood transfusion is an important symptomatic measure as the transfused RBCs are generally non G6PD deficient and some patients are benefited from splenectomy as this is an important site of red cell destruction. Folic acid and vitamin E should be used in disorder featuring a high red cell turnover. Babies with neonatal jaundice tend to respond well to standard therapies like hydration, light therapy and exchange transfusion. Thus, if a neonate is found to be G6PD deficient, counseling for the parents and an establishment of breastfeeding practices might be excellent prophylactic measures in preventing hemolytic crises later in life. Undoubtedly, a good knowledge of chemotherapeutic drugs, household agents and other environmental triggers of hemolytic anemia in G6PD deficiency are vital for all physicians to not only reduce the incidence of hemolytic events but also augment awareness amongst at-risk individuals....
Longitudinal Studies was done on the effects of Vernonia amygdalina leaf extract on the external appearance and aging of the human body and the effect of protein intake, carbohydrate intake and the weather on them. The results of these studies are presented in this paper. The study spans the period 1981-2011. The subject in the study took VA leaf extract treatment in conjunction with the intake of reduced or increased carbohydrate or protein intake and in varying weather conditions. The carbohydrates consumed by the subject at different times varied. The carbohydrates included rice, yam and ripe plantains while the consumed proteins were Voandezeia hypogeal and Irish potatoes. The results of the study showed that VA leaf extract demonstrated ant-aging effects. The results also showed that the skin colour lightening (skin infection clearing), skin firming, anti-obesity, body quietening and body vitality effects of VA leaf extract were enhanced (potentiated) by protein intake and cold weather and antagonized by carbohydrate intake and warm/ hot weather. Carbohydrate foods antagonized the skin and body effects of VA in the order of the antagonism of yam > rice > plantain. Protein foods enhanced the skin, anti-obesity, body quieteni ng , body vitalizing and anti-aging effects of VA leaf in the order of Irish potatoes > Voandezeia. The study concludes that VA leaf extract and leaf powder had reversible β2-adrenoceptor (on body cells) and β3-adrenoceptor (on adipocytes)- anti-aging; skin infections clearing; anti-obesity; body calming and body vitalizing effects on the human body which were enhanced by increased protein intake and cold weather and antagonized by carbohydrate intake and exposure to warm weather. These results also suggest that human aging is slowed down by the intake of alkaline herbal extracts like VA leaf extract and increased intake of proteins and quickened by increased carbohydrate/ calorie intake and acid herbal extracts. The findings of the study also show that oral VA leaf extract has the property of reproducing the same effects and being non-toxic during many years of its continuous intake....
: Malaria parasite action in the blood marks the clinical stage of malaria. To evaluate the potential effect of dihydroartemisinin on the heart during malaria treatment with oral dihydroartemisinin, we investigated the effect of five dosage regimens of oral dihydroartemisinin (DHA) on the cardiac muscles of the heart of Wistar albino rats. The dosage regimens of DHA administered were 1mg/kg; 2mg/kg; 60mg/kg; 80mg/kg and a dose of 1mg/kg administered twice to the same test rats with a rest period of 1 week in between. These dosage regimens of DHA were administered for 5 days or 7 days. Tissue photomicrographs of the Heart of DHA-treated and control rats showed two types of inhibitory occupation of cardiac muscles by DHA which were a lighter β1 occupation of the myocardium and the walls of the coronary blood vessels which produced a relaxation and calming effect and a heavier β2-adrenoceptor inhibitory effect on haemopoeitic sites around coronary blood vessels which like erythropoietin inhibited DNA cleavage (followed by programmed cell death) and causes erythroid stem cells to survive and develop into mature erythrocytes. This strong inhibitory occupation action of DHA was also present on nodal tissue (sinoartrio and artrio-ventricular nodes) of the heart. The findings of the study suggest that oral dihydroartemisinin produced a gentle β1-adrenoceptor positive ionotropic effect on the myocardium; a β1-adrenoceptor relaxation effect on coronary blood vessels; a β2-adrenoceptor inhibitory effect on erythroid stem cell DNA cleavage / cell apoptosis (promotion of haemopoeisis) and a β2-adrenoceptor inhibitory effect on cardiac nodal tissues The study concludes that oral dihydroartemisinin produced both β1-adrenoceptor and β2-adrenoceptor occupation and activity on the cardiac muscles of Wistar albino rats....